Edition 4 (239) April 2019


Spring awakening

It’s April. Spring is in the air. You can finally sit out in the warm, spring sun, on the terrace of a modern office building, pick up the latest issue of ‘Eurobuild CEE’, and immerse yourself in some of the sector’s main topics.

Aneta Cichla
Office & mixed-use development

Coworking comes of age

You’ve recently published your ‘The Future of the Coworking Sector in Poland’ report. It predicts that the new supply of coworking space on the Warsaw market next year will be half as much as this year’s. Is this anything to worry about?

Interviewer: Rafał Ostrowski
Retail & leisure

Shopping centres go social

POLAND The ban on Sunday trading has forever changed shopping habits and how shopping centres operate. On that particular day people now have more free time, while centres have a free space that they can use for non-commercial activities.


Life after retail

POLAND With the sale of the King Cross Marcelin shopping centre in Poznań, the King Cross group is finally exiting the retail property market and is instead investing in other segments of the real estate market. The company has already spent around PLN 50 mln buying a port in Sztynort in the Polish lake district as well as a hotel in Warsaw and an aparthotel by the thermal springs in Uniejów (to the west of Łódź).

Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski
Stock market report

Still looking up

The first quarter of the year is coming to quite a good end on the Warsaw Stock Exchange – all the major indexes have risen since the beginning of the year, and those for the real estate sector have grown by more than 10 pct. This is a good sign when considering the number of question marks that dog the global economy


Pier into the future

The construction of the largest mixed-use project in Warsaw has now been in progress for seven years. We spoke to Adam Pykel, the CEO of Port Praski, and Krzysztof Pykel, the investment director of the project, about how it is progressing

Interviewer: Rafał Ostrowski
Investment & finance

Starting up and catching up

Large venture capital funds have been taking the risk out of investing in start-ups – as can be clearly seen by their investment in proptech. and now Poland is looking to catch up

Agnieszka Zielińska
Office & mixed-use development

Rethinking the office

The office environment is changing from a place where people just go to work into one that actually helps them to work. However, risks exist when taking the plunge and making such changes

Rafał Ostrowski

Smartening up the home

The days are over when developers could only use the price and the size of their apartments to compete for buyers. Now what counts is convenience and functionality. Technological progress and changes in people’s lifestyles have resulted in smart systems increasingly appearing in residential projects. And this could now become the standard in just a few years’ time

Agnieszka Zielińska

Hostel takeover

From shelters run by charities to investment products attractive to the largest market players – hostels have come a long way in a short time

Tomasz Cudowski
Green projects

Green by Decree

At the end of 2010 Brussels passed a directive stipulating that from 2021 all new buildings constructed in the EU are to be what they term Nearly Zero Energy Buildings – or NZEBs. with the deadline now rapidly approaching, how close are we to this green world by decree?

Alex Hayes

Poznań – the perfect place to invest in

At mipim Poznań showcased two highly attractive real estate investment opportunities. The Wolne Tory site in the city centre is to become a new district, while the former industrial elektrociepłownia site is ripe for redevelopment


Cannes you dig it? Yes we can!

The sun helped to entice the investors to come to Cannes in March, while their interest was attracted to Poland like a magnet


Chronic art failure

The other day I was walking with a friend through the streets of Warsaw in the warm spring sunshine, thinking to myself how blissfully perfect everything was. I said as much out loud: “The city is in bloom, it’s adorned with beautiful works of public art, and all the problems with Brexit had been resolved!” – and my companion, a kind of penguin-rabbit hybrid, agreed

Nathan North


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