Edition 9 (261) September 2021


Expect the unexpected

Have you ever lived near a playground? I have. The window of my ground floor apartment used to look out onto swings, roundabouts, benches and a sandpit

Tomasz Cudowski, editor-in-chief
Small talk

You don’t always have to hit the bull’s eye

Maciej Bałabanow, the manager of PFR TFI’s Foreign Expansion Fund, which has recently expanded into Germany, tells us about the state of the Polish and European construction markets

Small talk

Accentuate the positive

Monika Rajska-Wolińska, the new CEO of Colliers in the CEE region, on the company's plans and looks back on her past achievements

Small talk

Eyeing up the West

Warsaw-based investment manager Griffin Real Estate seems to have conquered its field in its home country - and is now looking further afield as it prepares to enter Germany. We spoke to managing partner Maciej Dyjas about where the company is going from here

Warehouse & industrial

Up, up and away

The e-commerce-driven boom in the warehouse sector begs the question of how long the party is going to last. It’s true that the logistics infrastructure for servicing online retail is only just emerging, but the investment and development markets are already feeling the strain

Rafał Ostrowski

Heads in the cloud

Data centres are not much talked about and often seem to be hidden away from the glare of publicity – but the demand for them is strong and looks set to grow and grow

Alex Hayes

Co-living the dream

Co-living is one of those concepts that might be easily understood and embraced by younger generations – such as Millennials and the now coming-of-age Generation Z – but because it’s so new it could be mysterious to those of us who can still remember when Queen were topping the charts

Nathan North
Property management

A touch of indigestion

The year of the empty office was a shock to the system of the food and drink sector – a time when office canteens saw almost all their custom suddenly evaporate. And not all of them have received any help from building owners

Anna Korólczyk-Lewandowska
Green projects

Time for plan bee

Beehives on office roofs have been all the rage for several years. Such ‘corporate bees’ pollinate flowers and produce honey. however, they can also have a detrimental impact on other species

Magdalena Rachwald

Wheeling around town

Our prayers for it not to rain were more than granted. The fifth ‘Suits on Bikes’ event was held in blazing sunshine in temperatures of over 30°C, making it the hottest bike ride in Eurobuild's history. Suits, however, were not required – although a few really hardcore cyclists did wear them and that made quite a contrast with the shorts and t-shirts sported by most of those taking part

Katarzyna Matejuk

Losing the key to survival

A few weeks back I’d just returned home from some party or other and was fumbling in my bag for my house keys. To my horror, the keys were nowhere to be found – even after emptying the bag several times, turning it inside-out and going through all my pockets

Nathan North


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