Edition 10 (252) October 2020


It’s worth talking, preferably live

What can you see out of your window? Through those in our editorial office, all I can see is a beautiful, warm, golden autumn. The perfect time of year to spread our wings.

Tomasz Cudowski
Small talk

Embracing life to the fullest

“Our latest investment plans continue to be diversified and mixed in terms of locations and functions. At the beginning of 2021, we hope to start three new projects,” reveals Roger Andersson, the managing director of Vastint Poland

Small talk

Finding that niche

“The days of quick profits for holiday apartments are coming to an end and we are starting a period of greater professionalism and finding the right niche,” believes Marlena Kosiura, an analyst for the InwestycjewKurortach.pl portal

Small talk

Chasing the black swan away

The home-office trend and the impact of the pandemic on the economy may spell trouble for the wider office market, but could actually be a boost for PRS – believes Raied Tanous, the CEO of Asbud Group

Stock market report

Correction time

The end of the summer spelt the end of growth for the stock market indexes. The gains made since the spring were never really justifiable. Eventually they began to reflect the true economic situation, as most countries have been plunged into recession. The WIG index has also weakened, although in Poland, as in most of the CEE region, the economy has proven to be rather more resistant to the impact of the pandemic


Programmed to grow

According to CBRE’S ‘Real Estate Market Mid-Year Outlook 2020’ report, the office leasing transaction volume in Q2 this year fell by 40 pct. However, the pandemic hasn’t had the same impact on everyone – and tech companies have been left relatively unscathed. Unsurprisingly, both agents and office landlords are now falling over themselves to attract such tenants

Grażyna Śleszyńska

Always on the tenant’s side

They were told the cake had all been sliced up and there was no room for another real estate advisory, but in just over two years they have managed to join the top league. Eurobuild spoke to Cresa Poland partners Artur Sutor, Piotr Kaszyński and Tom Listowski (pictured left-to-right) about the benefits of a flat organisation, representing only tenants, and what it really takes to be an advisory firm

Investment & finance

Diversity in adversity

While some investors have been taking stock during the pandemic and waiting for the market to recover, Savills Investment Management has continued to buy assets in Poland and across Europe. We spoke to Jon Crossfield, the company’s head of strategic partnerships, and Piotr Trzciński, the head of investment in Poland, to find out how it still has such a positive approach

Nathan North
Office & mixed-use development

Like a healthy hit of coffee

Every year bicycles appear to be more popular and that includes with office workers. One of the reasons for this are the improving cycling facilities in office buildings – and Covid-19 only seems to have strengthened the trend

Anna Korólczyk-Lewandowska
Retail & leisure

Never in a month of Sundays

Shoppers have already had to swallow the bitter pill of the Sunday retail ban, but those in the sector are continuing to use every means at their disposal to urge a return to how things used to be, after The lockdown resulted in huge losses. But is there even a realistic chance that Sunday trading will ever be reinstated?

Anna Korólczyk-Lewandowska

No going back to GetBack

The most significant overhaul of Polish commercial law will soon take place, with the aim of giving international business a greater incentive to invest in Poland

Grażyna Śleszyńska

Ballsy climb to the top

On Friday 11th September, a total of 39 men and four women took to the courts for our annual tennis tournament, while across town almost 100 players strolled out on to the driveways for our annual golf tournament. The weather was beautiful and the new hygiene measures didn’t spoil any of the fun. And, as usual, all the competitors were pumped up and ready to fight it out

Katarzyna Matejuk, Magdalena Stępień

Just don’t drop the C-bomb

In our last two Endpieces, my colleagues in the Eurobuild team set out not to write anything about the pandemic – and then (and I hope they’ll forgive me for pointing this out) abysmally failed to do so

Nathan North


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