Edition 11 (245) November 2019


Apocalypse? Not here, not now

Mark Twain once famously quipped: “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated,” upon reading his own obituary in the press. Could the traditional retail sector come out with a similar retort as it feels e-commerce’s breath down its neck?

Ewa Andrzejewska
Big picture

135 metres

135 metres is to be the height of Top Tower, a project Czech developer Trigema is planning in Prague’s Nové Butovice district.

Investment & Finance

Wing poised to swoop on Echo Investment

POLAND/HUNGARY Hungarian real estate company Wing has signed a preliminary agreement to acquire a majority stake in Warsaw Stock Exchange-listed Echo Investment

Warehouse & industrial

Panattoni building big

CEE REGION Panattoni Europe has built a 123,300 sqm warehouse building for Leroy Merlin, the largest such building in Poland.

Stock market report

Working out the way ahead

The indices for the main trading floors of the Warsaw Stock Exchange have remained basically unaltered over the last few weeks, but the construction sector index performed worse than the broader market. WIG Real Estate, meanwhile, is back at its level from the beginning of the year


Not just for the connoisseurs

As an investment product, Polish shopping centres have been the brightest star in the statistics for years. Until recently, that is. Some investors are now opting to steer clear of them for the time being. Is this wariness justified?

Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski
Retail & leisure

The charm of the park

Retail parks are an almost sure-fire recipe for success. I say almost, because although in theory these products are resistant to economic crisis and there’s still a lot of space on the market for them, it’s quite easy to make mistakes when developing them

Rafał Ostrowski
Interior design

The inside experience

See the goods, touch them, take pictures, experience them... and then, maybe, buy something. The interior design experts tell us how to turn a customer into a brand ambassador

Agnieszka Zielińska
Property management

Perfectly pitched

Not every administrator is capable of looking after an entire sports complex. Even those owned by the local authorities require a unique approach, specialised services and unique skills. And national stadiums, such as the arena in Warsaw, are no exception...

Tomasz Cudowski
Eurobuild Awards

Outgrowing the Hilton

The first Eurobuild Gala and Eurobuild Awards are already a slightly fading memory for the organisers, but – to our surprise – some guests and winners remember them quite well. How have our flagship event and the entire sector developed during the last decade? What paths have those who were there the first time and the organisers themselves since taken?

Tomasz Cudowski

Łódź you take a closer look?

The fourth Łódź REdiscover conference organised by Eurobuild Conferences and the City of Łódź took place on September 18th. It was attended by almost 150 devotees of Polish and European real estate

Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski

Turning rookies into pros

At the end of September almost 60 players gathered to take part in the fourth Table Tennis Tournament for the real estate and construction market, organised by Eurobuild and CMT. As usual, there was all the excitement of the contest and some great fun to be had for the entire family

Tomasz Cudowski

Bigger and better than ever

There were no signs of the slowdown of the German economy at the trade fair, which has now been held every year since 1998. The mood was excellent – really excellent! There was nothing to make you feel like you were dancing on the Titanic, although sometimes...

Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski

Tea - and the wurst is yet come

Tea does not become sweeter just because you stir it, is a quote attributed to Polish polymath Stefan Kisielewski. Quotes, however, are a bit like picklocks – unlike keys they can even open doors they were not created for. Could the current Warsaw office market be characterised in this way? I’m not saying that there’s no sugar in the glass, but maybe there’s not as much as you would think judging by the movement of the spoon?

Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski


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